Interested in Research

Share your story to help shape accessible sport programming

a icon of a computer screen with graph bars and a magnifying glass looking at the graphs.

Get involved in our research around overall health and wellbeing, social inclusion, economic impact, and quality of life. As a research participant, you may be asked to fill out a survey or questionnaire, take part in an interview, or wear an activity monitor. This could happen before, during, or after your program. The aggregate results may be published in academic journals or articles, posted on our website, and shared with community partners.

If you’d like to participate in our research, submit your contact information using the Research Sign-Up form. This does not mean you will be entered into a study. By submitting the form, you are providing consent to be contacted about studies you may be eligible to join. A member of our team will get in touch with specific details about the study, and you can then decide if you want to participate.

Research personnel will be responsible for appropriately selecting, enrolling and providing follow-up throughout each research study.

We would like to ask your permission to contact you to be involved with research studies involving Calgary Adapted Hub. This does not mean you will be entered into a study. This is providing consent to be contacted about studies you may be eligible to participate in. When contacted, you will be provided information about a specific research project and you may then decide if you wish to participate.

Research Consent Contact Form

Every effort will be made to safeguard your contact information and protect your privacy.

This consent to contact for future research is effective immediately. Your consent to be contacted can be revoked by you at any time. If you have questions or concerns regarding this consent, please contact: Leticia Janzen (email:; phone: 403-955-5736)

Your Contact Information
What is the preferred methods of contacting you. (required)
Potential Participant Information
Optional: Please contact me for studies about
Are you willing to be contacted by the CAH Research and Knowledge Translation Coordinator or a qualified research staff member completing research on behalf of the CAH?

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