Get to Know You Form

Tell us about yourself

a icon of two hands shaking that come together to look like a heart.

Navigating the world of adapted physical activity can be overwhelming. Calgary Adapted Hub powered by Jumpstart (CAH) is here to help. Our goal is to overcome obstacles to participation by helping you find suitable programming with ease.

Our experienced team of staff and volunteers can help you find the right program for you—but we need to know a bit about you first! The information you share will help us find reasonable and appropriate solutions in the city of Calgary.

Get the ball rolling by filling out the form or contacting us by phone or email. A member of our team will get in touch to arrange a meeting where we’ll discuss your interests and abilities.

Family needs Assessment Intake Form

Parent and Child Contact Information
Child Information
The Calgary Adapted Hub (CAH) powered by Jumpstart works with a research team to understand the impact of programs have on physical activity, participation, quality of life, and overall health and well-being to inform the future of adaptive and inclusive programs. Are you willing to be contacted by the CAH Research and Knowledge Translation Coordinator or a qualified research staff member completing research on behalf of the CAH?
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